Welcome to St Mary’s. We are a friendly and lively church for all ages, getting to know Jesus better through his Word (the Bible) and his Spirit, together on a Sunday and throughout the week.

Red Stripe
Red Stripe


please click the links in red

Dear Church Family & Friends,
Hoping you're all well.
This email is to let you know some of the key dates in the parish for the next few weeks:
1.           Saturday 15th June, 10 am: Parish Walk
The next walk of the parish walking group, who meet monthly on the third Saturday of the month, is on Saturday 15th June at 10 am. Please contact Simon Morrison for more information: simon.r.morrison@btinternet.com
2.           Saturday 15th June 2pm - 4.30 pm: Parish Plant Sale at St. Paul's, to raise money for Christian Aid and BACSECT
Do come and support this special, yearly, event if you can - tea, coffee & refreshments will be provided. (We will be collecting Christian Aid envelopes for the last time this weekend on both Saturday at this event and on Sunday in both of our churches).
3.           Tuesday 18th June, 7.45 pm: Christianity Explored at St. Mary's

Although Christianity Explored began last week, it is not too late to join the group. Please contact David Packham for more information: curate@norkwithburghheath.com 
4.           Sunday 23rd June, 10 am: Whole Parish Service at St. Paul's at 10 am
On Sunday 23rd June at 10 am it will be our next whole parish service, this time at St. Paul's. Please note the date - and do come and join us if you can.
5.           Wednesday 26th June, 2-4 pm: Foodbank Collection at St. Paul's
Please do be collecting items to contribute to our next Foodbank Collection at St. Paul's on Wednesday 26th June, from 2-4 pm.
The items the Epsom & Ewell Foodbank are particularly collecting can be found on this link: https://epsomewell.foodbank.org.uk/give-help/donate-food/
6.           Saturday 29th June, 10 am-12 pm: Refresh@10 Coffee Morning at St. Mary's
Please do come and join us for the next Refresh@10 Coffee morning, at St. Mary's on Saturday 29th June from 10 am - 12 pm. This is a chance to enjoy relaxed social time together.
7.           Saturday 6th July, 7pm: Parish Bingo Night (Fundraiser) at the St. Paul's Hall
We are having a social night - Bingo - in the St. Pauls' Hall, on Saturday 7th July at 7pm. This will be an opportunity to enjoy fun time with friends as well as to raise funds for our parish. Please do join us if you can, spread the word and bring friends. Please contact Sue Wharton for more information or to purchase tickets (a flyer is attached): cw_bh@norkwithburghheath.com
And two Banstead Five Events you may be interested to join in with:
1.           Saturday 29th June, 3-4.30 pm: An Afternoon of singing with Rebecca Sullivan - A concert at St. Ann's Church (no charge, but donations welcome). So St Ann's have an idea of numbers, please let Alex know if you'd like to go and join in: vicar@norkwithburghheath.com
2.           Do contact Sarah from Pilgrim Panto: pilgrimpanto.banstead@gmail.com for further information on the auditions for January 2025's panto or to help with painting the set in August
Love and prayers

Rev Alex Stevens
Parish of Nork with Burgh Heath
07312 113019
The PCC of the Parish of Nork with Burgh Heath is a Registered UK Charity No 1180563

WEEKLY SERMONS - To access our past weekly sermons, please click here

Foodbank Collections May to Au

Crafting St Paul's 15th August

Forest Church July & August 20




WEEKLY SERMONS - To access our past weekly sermons, please click here

Refresh@10 May-August 2024

Messy Church May to August 202
Morning Communion St Pauls

Parish Walking Group

Bingo poster -  final