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Other talks and resources
St Mary's hosts a range of events in addition to Sunday Morning Live!. These include our annual away day, vision conference and meetings with mission partners. Some of the talks given at these events can be downloaded below.
 | Life Together, 19th October 2016 Presentations given at Life Together. The Diocesan video can be viewed at http://www.cofeguildford.org.uk/about/transforming-church-transforming-lives Ian Hughes and Ron Goldby, 19/10/2016 | | Vision Evening 2015 - Governance Looking Back, Looking Forwards - Governance Ian Hughes, 21/01/2015 |  | Vision Evening 2015 - Mission Partnership Looking Back, Looking Forwards - Mission Partnership Alastair Watson, 21/01/2015 | | Vision Evening 2015 - Finance Looking Back, Looking Forwards - Finances Ian Hughes, 21/01/2015 | | Vision Evening 2015 - Keep on Growing Looking Back, Looking Forwards - Keep on Growing Ian Hughes, 21/01/2015 |
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